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The cost of membership is £50 (per annum) covering an induction which all members will need to successfully complete before accessing the space independently.

Membership runs from 1st July - 30th June.

The core opening hours for the studio are 10am to 4pm. Generally we will be on hand to admit members or provide a key code if we are not available. Flexibility may be possible by prior arrangement only, once a member is confident in using the studio
facilities (at the owners discretion).

Open access will be available on most Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, except when there are dedicated workshops happening.

Payment is made on a session by session basis, with all sessions being booked in advance. Two members may book together and share the space. During initial sessions we will be available to call on if you have any difficulties or need further support.
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Please note: during the year the studio may be unavailable for certain periods, for example the Milverton Street Fair, when there is an open studio exhibition taking place or a Heritage Craft event.

All materials used used in the workshop are charged at cost, with members being trusted to record their usage in the studio’s record book. Accounts must be settled up after a maximum two months or when the total reaches £25.

All prospective members will book an initial session. This will include an induction into the equipment, safety, cleaning and other studio protocols. During the induction, prospective members will be assessed on their suitable competence and ability to work safely and independently.

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Open studio access costs £30 for a whole day, and £15 for a half day
(three hours - morning 10am to 1pm / afternoon 1pm to 4pm).